Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradise Management In The South Bronx Of America

Paradise Management In The South Bronx Of America

I saw light fall in shades of autumn gold as life support for “the better angels of our nature,” Abraham Lincoln wrote the last words like a whisper from the 18th Century.

I sat on a bench with a view of the Bronx County Courthouse and Yankee Stadium until it was moved into a new ballpark. I have to steal home base in a court of law.

I am as blank as this Win98 document I worked on to fill with history for whomever it may concern in the year 2015 and beyond. Two police officers saw me approach their squad car. One of the officers lowered the window and asked what’s wrong. Blood was violently coughed up into an oxygen mask as my life flashed by faster then the ambulance called by the police. Lincoln Hospital was the next stop in heavy traffic.

“If you interfere with a city investigation you will be arrested”, a city inspector warned a building manager who tried to talk me out of having my mother’s apartment examined for violations. He left with several other employees of Paradise Management. Two days later, my mother’s mailbox and others were vandalized as if by explosives.

I used a friend’s cell phone to take pictures and filed reports for criminal mischief and lost property at the Longwood Police Precinct just four blocks away from home.

There’s something going on, I was told by our United States Mail Carrier who told the superintendent to give my mother one of the mailboxes that was functional. Response from management was to have the superintendent rip out the damaged row of mailboxes and plaster hole while broken lobby door went without repair for days.

Our mail service was disrupted. Expect delays or no delivery of Healthcare notifications such as Medicare renewal forms, etc, etc and etc. These are the keys to the mailbox and apartment on the other side of the building they want your mother to move into, said the superintendent with a grin

They wanted us to move in without a lease that wasn’t ready I was told.  Don’t know what to do but I’m doing it. Like a Rubik’s Cube, I have to try to establish a pattern of harassment. I’m shaken up like the poor people in Nepal evicted by earthquake.

I sighed, got up from a park bench and walked miles to keep from homelessness while my mother prays like for help from God. She makes me think of Anne Frank in the attic. I saw a sign. I saw a wanted poster on a former tenant for criminal contempt of court.

I saw heavily armed police in the courtyard. They were looking for a person of interest on the other of the building. He turned out to be an employee of Paradise Management.

I suppose, like Jesus believed, we ought to give people a second lease at life

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Poetfolio Part 1

Jane!!! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Legal Graffiti from Here To Eternity

Poetfolio Part 1

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mon chere

 In my childhood in The South Bronx, I was introduced to Greek mythology by my 6th grade English teacher, Ms Raesade, who was proud of me for achieving an 11th grade reading level and believed I would write The Next Great American Novel.

I read about Eros, the son of Venus, goddess of love. I saw Botticelli’s majestic painting called The Birth Of Venus and my mouth dropped.

She looked like my teacher, she of the Mona Lisa smile of the mystery of life!

Most of my teachers have been women worthy of being called The Amazons. 

They were drawn from Heaven to summon the better angel of my nature.

So I decided to become the next James Bond at the age of 7.

Ladies, I’m on your Majesty’s Secret Service.


Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161
An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine
Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

We just got here and the place is a mess

This is my Valentine card for my art teacher, Rosemary Lewandowski-Lois, who was discriminated for being a talented woman on Madison Avenue in the 1950s and 60s.

She is a No Nonsense American Woman just like the slogan she came up for pantyhose.

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161
An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine
Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Life Movies On

I spat out blood violently in front of two cops.


They called an ambulance: ETA in 9 minutes. Officer Gonzales of the 41 Precinct and FDNY medics asked the same question: Have I been to West Africa lately?


I wish.


I’ll do anything to get out of The South Bronx.


I always wanted to travel Earth and beyond.


Oxygen mask on as sirens wailed in rain.


Oh my! How exciting! An adventure!


I spent 10 hours on a bed at Lincoln Hospital.


I saw young and old crowded in ER. They all were like children afraid of the dark.


Health care workers of different nationalities talked about movies as they surrounded me. A medic strapped on gloves with a snap and a smile. You remind me of Dexter, I said. Please don’t kill me. He laughed. Blood work came back fine. No Ebola. No HIV. No Tuberculosis. X-rays came back fine. No Cancer. My heart bled in gratitude.


I thanked every professional for his or her service.


I thanked God like a little boy saved from lions.


Ulcer, blood pressure too high and a violent reaction to Advil were the reasons I was spitting blood like an actor screaming in agony in Alien and gory sequels galore.


I humbly ate two hamburgers at Mickey D. They tasted so good without extra salt.


I drank pineapple juice. I walked home past a park under stars and saw new country.


I saw The Wonder Years go on forever for future generations.


Truthfully, I’m dying for salty fried chicken wings.


And hot sauce hotter than Hell.


It would taste so sweet.


It would be Heaven.

See Book. Read Movie

I spat out blood violently in front of two cops.


They called an ambulance: ETA in 9 minutes. Officer Gonzales of the 41 Precinct and FDNY medics asked the same question: Have I been to West Africa lately?


I wish.


I’ll do anything to get out of The South Bronx.


I always wanted to travel Earth and beyond.


Oxygen mask on as sirens wailed in rain.


Oh my! How exciting! An adventure!


I spent 10 hours on a bed at Lincoln Hospital.


I saw young and old crowded in ER. They all were like children afraid of the dark.


Health care workers of different nationalities talked about movies as they surrounded me. A medic strapped on gloves with a snap and a smile. You remind me of Dexter, I said. Please don’t kill me. He laughed. Blood work came back fine. No Ebola. No HIV. No Tuberculosis. X-rays came back fine. No Cancer. My heart bled in gratitude.


I thanked every professional for his or her service.


I thanked God like a little boy saved from lions.


Ulcer, blood pressure too high and a violent reaction to Advil were the reasons I was spitting blood like an actor screaming in agony in Alien and gory sequels galore.


I humbly ate two hamburgers at Mickey D. They tasted so good without extra salt.


I drank pineapple juice. I walked home past a park under stars and saw new country.


I saw The Wonder Years go on forever for future generations.


Truthfully, I’m dying for salty fried chicken wings.


And hot sauce hotter than Hell.


It would taste so sweet.


It would be Heaven.